Project full title: Platform for Innovative Services in Future Internet

Progetto PON (Programma Operativo Nazionale)
Duration: 36 months
Starting Date: July 2012
Expected Ending: June 2015
Key Persons: Prof. Francesco Delli Priscoli, Dr. Vincenzo Suraci
Project Description: The widespread of broadband technologies in fixed and wireless telecommunication networks lead to a remarkable growth of ICT services and contents delivery market expecially in the field of residential and small office home office (SOHO) sectors. As these technologies gained popularity too fast, the ICT business models care only of short term cash flow related with the services and content sale. This has determined a degrade of service and contents delivery quality, of customers satisfaction, of service and content usability by a wide range of users, of open and stable standards. On the base of the expertise gained in national, European and international research, the consortium aims to design and develop a service platform able to deliver heterogeneous services and contents, through dissimilar networks, flexible enough to handle a wide range of terminals, context aware, customable on the basis of the user preferences, able to guarantee the quality of service and to measure and maximize the customer quality of experience. The service platform will be designed around news conceptual paradigms embracing the Future Internet challenges, and will be accompanied with a detailed business model to have a strong market impact. This platform will be named PLATINO, will operate in the residential, SOHO and business markets to deliver services and contents to nomadic users. A prototype of PLATINO will be deployed and validated in the Telecom Italia Tesitng Labs located in Naples. PLATINO will be realized by a well balanced consortium, counting a big ICT enterprise (Telecom Italia), research centres and universities, and small and medium enterprises. Even though the main part of the project activities will be carried out in the “Convergenza” regions, specifically in Campania, the project will have a much wider impact, counting the presence of its coordinator, Telecom Italia, and of important research centers and universities deeply involved in national and European research projects.
Relevant Publications:
- G. Oddi, M. Panfili, A. Pietrabissa, V. Suraci, L. Zuccaro, “A resource allocation algorithm of multi-cloud resources based on Markov Decision Process”, 5th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (IEEE CloudCom 2013), 2-5 December 2013, Bristol, UK.
- G. Oddi, A. Pietrabissa, F. Delli Priscoli, V. Suraci, “A decentralized load balancing algorithm for heterogeneous wireless access networks”, accepted for publication to the World Telecommunication Congress (WTC), June 2014.
- S. Canale, F. Facchinei, R. Gambuti, L. Palagi, and V. Suraci, “User profile based Quality of Experience”, 18th International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Communications and Computers (CSCC 2014), Santorini Island, Greece, July 17-21, 2014.
- S. Canale, F. Delli Priscoli, M. Panfili, A. Pietrabissa, and V. Suraci, Quality of Experience estimation and control in future internet networks, IEEE Communication Magazine, submitted on January 2014.